Holistic Health Mentorship

Holistic Wellness Package

4 month mentorship to transform your health and wellness so that you can feel energized, nourished, and sovereign in your healing process. This mentorship includes herbal health consultations, nutrition support, supplement recommendations, a personalized wellness plan, self care support, and coaching for optimal mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.

  • What sets this program apart?

    This mentorship is an invitation to building more intimacy with your body, mind and soul. Symptoms are messages from your body that it needs tender loving care. In these sessions I will guide you toward inner attunement and deep listening so that you can cultivate more intimacy with your body. I am your herbalist, transformation coach, nutrition guide, and medical astrologer to help bring inner and outer alignment for optimal wellness.

  • Root Cause Approach

    This program is about remembering that you are your own healer. I am here as your support guide to provide tools, reflections, and connection to plant allies so that you can feel vibrant and harmonious. Our work together will aim to get to the root of your ailments - not just cover up symptoms but truly heal from the core. I’ll delve deep with you to address your blockages and shadow aspects that may be showing up as health concerns.

This Program is for you if..

  • You are ready to invest in yourself to experience vibrant wellness

  • You are being called to look within to heal

  • You are over the ups and downs of your health

  • You are sick and tired of being sick and tired

  • You are ready to face your limiting beliefs, blockages, and trauma in order to thrive

  • You are curious how your astrology impacts your health

  • You envision a life where you understand your body and it's needs

  • You are ready to alchemize your health and feel resourced and aligned

  • You are fed up with western medicine and believe in natural healing

In this mentorship you will..

  • Build a deeper relationship with your body, mind, and soul

  • Learn about herbs and foods to support your body

  • Be led in detoxes and elimination diets

  • Have your astrological chart deciphered and learn what could be triggering your symptoms

  • Learn self care practices and rituals for more inner knowing

  • Learn manifestation techniques

  • Delve into your shadow self to release what no longer serves you

  • Unite your conscious and unconscious mind for total life transformation

  • Learn easy health tools to incorporate into your life seamlessly

  • Be held and supported by your own personal sounding board

Why is this program a 4 month commitment?

  • Healing takes time and is not linear

  • By working together more long term you are not only committing to me but your healing journey

  • Herbs are gentle and sometimes take a couple of months to see progress, this way you stay on track for at least 4 months

  • This program is not just about taking herbs & eating healthy, it is about doing self work and regular practices to maintain wellness and feel vibrant